
'A Pancake Lover's Extremely Easy Pancakes for a School Morning'

'This is my basic recipe -- it comes out the most amazing when I use buttermilk and really great flours.''

'In one large bowl, beat together: 2 eggs, 2 cups buttermilk (or some combo of milk/yogurt/kefir), 2ishTBLS vege oil OR melted butter (I haven't measured in ages, I just pour from the bottle)'

'Add and blend in (most recipes have you do this in a separate bowl. I don't but I am careful to really mix in those leavening agents): 2 cups mixture of white/whole wheat flour/spelt etc., 1 TSP baking soda, 1.5 TSP baking powder, large pinch of salt'

'Blend and fry in butter. You can adjust the thickness by adding more or less liquids. Optional: berries, nuts, mashed banana, dates, etc etc....' -ILS

You got this.

'Perfect Hardboiled Eggs

Put 12 eggs in a large pasta pot so that they form one layer along the bottom. Cover the eggs with cold tap water. Put on the stove and bring the water to a rolling boil. Monitor this closely! As soon as you have a rolling boil, cover the pot, remove from the hot burner to a cold burner, and let rest covered for EXACTLY 10 minutes. Drain immediately under cold water to stop the cooking process. Enjoy immediately or bring to room temperature and then chill for later. Serves 1 precious Nathan for 3 sittings of 4 eggs per sitting.' -ILS